Samstag, 19. Dezember 2009

White christmas

I know, it has been a while since I posted anything. Also, this post will be a short one.

I fell ill last weekend and I am still not completely cured. I have a cold and my breath sounds like a rattle-snake (a mix of hissing and rattling, that is). That's why I have called off the christmas party that was supposed to take place today.
Tomorrow's cheese-fondue on the other hand is scheduled to take place. I need people to be around me, but I do not think I could handle a party.

Apart from that, life is OK, I had a lot of stress over the last weeks, but now the holidays are approaching.

The weather turned very wintry two days ago and now we have - 12 degrees Celsius (around 10 degrees Fahrenheit) outside. Brrrrrr. Where is that bloody climate-change when you need it?
Snow is still in rather short supply (only about 1-2 centimeters fell), though.

1 Kommentar:

  1. sorry to hear you're sick, sweets! and AMEN to the bloddy climate-change never being there when you need it, lol
