First of all, why did I start this blog?
Well. I do post on two other blogs, with a different user-name (Ajaw). Those two blogs are purely political, both concerning themselves (one of them more so than the other) almost only with university-politics.
I wanted an own blog, mainly for the entertainment of friends (and maybe family), to keep people updated on what is going on in my life. Since I have known myself now for most of my life, I predict that I will not be able to keep away from politics completly. It is just so ingrained in my personality to think in political categories.
I hope you can bear the occasional rant. I promise to try to keep it short.
Since I already have a blogger-account, why do I not use that one and instead create a new one? Well, I do not want my political life to interfere with my normal life more than necessary. I know for sure that some people I consider my political opponents do read the other two blogs. In fact they comment on them. I do not want them to transgres on my private ground. Period.
Why is this blog in english? Well, my friends all speak at least reasonably good english, while none of my non-german friends bar one or two speak any german at all.
Will there be photos? Yes, but (at least in the beginning) very few.
I will not post pictures of my friends (let alone my girlfriend - anyone who wishes to see a picture of her may email me) unless they allow me to do so.
I will also not post many pictures of myself, simply because there are almost none (and even less good ones) which show my current appearance.
For the moment I have no good digital camera and I certainly lack the funds to by one. Since I also have no access to a good scanner I can use privately, there will be precious few pictures of the city. At least until I scrounge up enough to buy a new camera. Then there will be pictures aplenty.
That is prettymuch everything for the start. A short update on my personal affairs will be online tomorrow.
Good night,
Verhinderte Fakultätsreform
200 Studierende blockieren die Beschlussfassung im Kuratorium der HU Die
für heute um 10h angesetzte Sitzung des Kuratoriums der HU, auf der neben
dem Dop...
vor 11 Jahren
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